Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Must love sea turtles.

On the one hand, NGO job-hunting can be a depressing affair, rife as it is with jobs that require a master's degree, fluency in at least one but preferably two foreign languages, overseas work history, the skills and patience to navigate USAID bureaucracy, and subject matter expertise, yet pay "low- to mid-30s depending on experience." Gee, I'm so glad those six years' experience nailed me an extra $3K a year! I think I'll spend it on therapy. Or maybe something nice with which to shoot myself in the head.

Every so often, however, I run across something like this:


and am obscurely charmed that one of the requirements of the position
is, simply: "Must love sea turtles."

Because after all... isn't that why we're all here?

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